Share the Enthusiasm of Timeshare Ownership!
A letter from the President of The Imperial Hawaii Vacation Club
There is a constant barrage today regarding how to get out of Timeshare Ownership by many unscrupulous and illegitimate operations that start up in one city, county or state for a few months and collect fees in advance only to suddenly close shop and relocate to another area or state taking all the fee money with them and not performing. The timeshare owner may only find out they have been scammed when they receive their annual maintenance fee and subsequently becomes delinquent all the while protesting they have relinquished their ownership via one of the companies promising to “get you out of your timeshare maintenance fee forever”. You may know someone who has told the horror story of losing a significant sum without any benefit. However, there are legitimate long time companies performing a service but the advertising that is done still creates a message of doubt regarding timeshare ownership overall.
So, let’s talk benefits of timeshare ownership and specifically sharing the “ENTHUSIASM OF OWNERSHIP”. Do you and I ever talk up the benefits to our family, friends and acquaintances in a positive and wonderful way the opportunity of vacationing, travel and time away? Or has the negativity of the industry’s short term opportunist as noted above made you doubt the value of Timeshare Ownership? How many families can say “I own in Waikiki” or “We own a piece of Hawaii!” and “We love everything about staying at our Imperial Hawaii Resort timeshare”?
When I tell people of our Imperial ownership in Waikiki, show our photos and relate the wonderful times at the Imperial with all the benefits of ownership they become totally envious. They also become enthusiastic about coming to Waikiki someday. “Make it now!” I always try to point out the benefits to friends contemplating a vacation and specifically those dreaming about a trip to Hawaii. I tell them there is a great opportunity to “Buy Waikiki” and they should consider timeshare ownership at the Imperial Hawaii Resort (New Vacation Plan Offering: VPO-5 coming soon). There is no need to explain all the benefits of ownership to those of us who already own, but the opportunity to reduce the average cost per night staying at one of the best locations in Waikiki is paramount in my mind. Where can you rent nearby to get the services, the location and Aloha of Ohana (family) to match the Imperial? Would you consider purchasing another week through our VPO-5 offering? Second is the opportunity to bank a week internally (check out our Internal Banking Program) and double your stay at the Imperial every other year cutting travel costs in half. Third on the list is the ability to exchange into many other resorts in the world… and did I mention that we once exchanged into a resort just above Monaco on the French Riviera’s Cote d’Azur. What a deal! I am Enthusiastic about my Ownership at the Imperial Hawaii Resort!
How enthusiastic are you?—Spread the Imperial Aloha!
J. Preston James IHVC President (also pictured in main photo, his wife Patricia)